There are different kinds of cultures like races, religions, languages, and others. For example, American Indians had different kinds of tribes with different cultures, religions, and languages. Europeans had different languages, religions, races, and many countries. Asians also had different ones. Culture is not only how we dress and the language we speak but culture is also the way we learn and the way we do things.


BUT, what’s about deaf culture? There is a deaf culture also with different languages in different countries, different religions, and different races. Most people are not familiar with deaf culture. Some get to know more about deaf cultures than others. Some of them get an impression of deaf people as they work among deaf people. Here you will find different pages related to the future.


Deaf New and Blogs It’s hard for deaf people to get local and national news. Nowadays, there are a lot more news information outlets for deaf people to read or watch. Get more information here.

Religion Cultures Deaf people can either attend a Deaf church or a “hearing” church that has interpreted services; they may attend one without an interpreter or may not attend church at all.

There is even a Wine Culture, check out this wine club.