Garden Ideas For Small Areas

Do you think because of limited space, you can not grow a garden? You will be amazed at how much you can grow in small spaces! You can grow any garden no matter the size of space you have. On this page, you will find various ideas for growing a garden in small spaces.

When you plant things yourself, you know what you used to plant them. Plant them organically, with no pesticides or other toxics.  So they are healthier for you. 

It is so much fun for children to learn to plant things. Use the plants you sow for a science lesson, and then when your plants produce, transfers them into a cooking lesson.  

Shoe hanger garden

Small space garden
Shoe hanger garden

Do you have a sunny balcony railing or a fence? Then try this out.

Change a shoe hanger into a vertical garden and plant fresh herbs or flowers. Creating this is simple – 1.) hook a canvas shoe organizer 2.) fill it with mixture gardening soil 3.) plant your favorite herbs or greens in the bags 4.) label each pocket with the plant’s name. Simple right? You can do that. 

Hanging Grow Bags

Small space garden
Green vertical grow bag

This is the same idea in a small place. Use vertical grow bags to grow many various things. These can hook on a porch wall or fence, and they can hook many different places. Add color to your small space with bright flowers. Grow herbs for cooking. Grow vegetables and strawberries.

Not only save money by eating vegetables that you know are not sprayed with any pesticides and growth hormones!!! These will be all organic, provided you grow them that way!!! Also, use this as a natural teaching tool for your children with lessons from biology to cooking all in one project!!! There is so much fun you can have encircling the idea of Growing your own foods!!! Using these different ways, you can make the most out of the space you have!!!

Plastic Bottle Planter

small space garden and planter ideas

Do you have old water or pop bottles lying around?  Use them to help make your space a growing space. This site can help you learn to make them. They are a fantastic idea to work on.

Old Toy Planter

Planter ideas
use old toys as planters

Search around your house and find old toys that you can change into a planter. Make too many; give them away for gifts. 

Old boot planters

planter idea
boots hung on the fence

Old boots and shoes of all kinds can be used for planters. Hook them on your deck, hook them from your balcony railing. They will add a spark of color and grow your plants too.

I hope you like these small garden ideas!

Once you have made your small space garden, it is time to relax and have a cup of wine. Join the best wine club around. Fine wines delivered to your door every month.