Cool Home Remedies – Vinegar

We have all heard of the different home remedies. Here are some uses for vinegar.

There are plenty of uses for distilled white vinegar!

home remedies

1. Ringworm

Here is a home remedy for ringworm. I have raised many adorable pets in my lifetime, and there is a fungal infection that humans get from pets. It’s named ringworm, but it’s not a worm. It’s a skin infection, and it is very certainly healable!

Just dip a cotton ball with distilled white vinegar and softly clean the area that shows the normal pattern, red distress. Being Cautious around the eyes! This works for humans, dogs, cats, horses, or even lifeless objects. Vinegar’s main element is acetic acid, and fungal infections do not like sour environments! This is a safe treatment that will not hurt you or your pets. It does take a few weeks to get rid of the fungus but keep treating after it till it is gone for the best results. Remember, cats hate the smell of vinegar, so you might want to wrap up the kitty in a towel before treatment. Your arms and hands will thank you.

2. Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is similarly a fungus to ringworm. Vinegar heals this too! It’s cheap enough to use regularly to bathe your feet for a few minutes. And if your toenails have a fungus, it will kill that as well! Now, this really does take time, maybe even months, but make it a habit to dip your feet into vinegar once a day. You’ll never have to worry about Athlete’s foot again.

After dipping your clean feet, just pat them dry and go about your regular routine. You might want to wash your shoes lightly with corn starch to keep your feet nice and dry.

3. Insect bites

Did you realize that white vinegar is one of the best treatments for the sting of insect bites? Weirdly enough, filling a small bottle of vinegar is a good idea when going to the beach. Jellyfish stings are stopped right away with vinegar. Ant bites, bee stings, and other biting or stinging insect sites can be healed with vinegar. Pain goes away!

4. Yeast infections

Some people get yeast infections on their skin. Straight vinegar is good to heal these outbreaks. Just brush it with a soaked cotton ball as in the ringworm treatment. Keep doing this every day and for a few days after the infection clears up. This will remove yeast growth on the skin. You can also put a cupful of vinegar in your bathwater for those hard to reach places. Advise a medical professional before self-remedying.

5. Stop cats from spraying the furniture

Cats really don’t like the smell of vinegar even in low doses, and you can apply vinegar to the lower parts of your furniture once a week to prevent cats from spraying. Cats won’t scratch the lower parts of your furniture after you spray the vinegar on. This, therefore, teaches cats not to scratch any of that furniture again. You can reasonably use it outdoors to keep cats out of your gardens and from spraying the borders of your house.

Cats spray to mark their territory and when they smell vinegar, they don’t want to claim that choosy area.

More great home remedies using white vinegar!

6. Strawberries are good for you

Everyone knows strawberries are good for you and your health. We know wine is good too. You can mix the two using red wine vinegar to soak strawberries in. Very fantastically taste that is really good for you on the inside!

home remedies

7. Lose weight with apple cider vinegar

No one is really sure why this works. For some, it works well, and for some, it doesn’t work. Vinegar is just good for the inside and outside of a person. Combine a Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water and drink every day. If it tastes very sour, then add honey or lime to reduce the sour taste. It works well. Somehow this helps your intestines to blend good minerals and nutrients from the food you eat and remove the fat.

Some studies have shown that this really works for weight loss. Well, you’ve tried everything else, haven’t you? Why not give this a shot. I have tried that one with honey or lime, and it helped me lose the weight. Apple cider vinegar is cheap and easy to find even in your grocery store. There are also supplements, including apple cider vinegar, that you can buy that favor to work for this purpose too.

home remedies

8. Clear a clogged drain

Are you familiar with that experiment that they do in science class to make a famous volcano and make it spring? Well, the big secret here, they use vinegar! (and baking soda). You can use this same idea at home to clear a clogged drain.

Just pour about a cupful of baking soda down the drain, let it clear, then add a cup of warm vinegar (heat in the microwave for about a minute). Use a glass container to heat the vinegar in. Pour it down the drain, and Voila’, the drain will clean itself. Wash out with hot water after the bubbling stops.

9. Cure dandruff and head lice

You can do one or the other or even both at the same time! Wet hair, rinse on vinegar, let dry, then shampoo as usual for dandruff.

For head lice, use a nit comb on the vinegar bathed hair to remove all head lice. The vinegar brings them out of the hair spike easily so that you can get them all. No more horrible lice treatments!

10. Relieve chronic heartburn

This works for most people, but I will seek a doctor’s advice if you have an ulcer. Just drink a tablespoon of vinegary regularly; it is best to weaken it with an 8 oz glass of water. Some folks vow by this cure. It may definitely help you lose weight!

Bonus – Keep your CPAP humidifier holder free of mold

You can use this for any humidifier also.

I sleep with a CPAP device, and I have to rinse out the water holder every day. My respiratory therapist rinses CPAP devices with a little vinegar regularly to get rid of the mold and mildew. Then just let it sit upside down to dry. Works like magic. You have to flush the vinegar out at night just before use, or it will smell like vinegar, but it doesn’t take much to wash it out. I use filtered water.

These are some Favorite Home Remedies for Distilled White Vinegar. Some say home remedies don’t work and some rely on them every day. You be the judge and see if these home remedies work for you!

Like these ideas? Then check out our Uses for Wine Page